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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.
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Language > Encyclopedias
Esaias Tegner
Language; Encyclopedias
A popular Swedish poet, born at Kyrkerud, the son of a country parson; graduated with distinction at Lund University in 1802, and shortly afterwards became lecturer in Philosophy; ...
Language; Encyclopedias
A port and walled town of Morocco, on the Martil, 4 m. above its entrance into the Mediterranean and 22 m. S. of Ceuta; has a fortified castle and wall-towers; exports provisions ...
Language; Encyclopedias
A port of Mexico, on the Panuco, 9 m. from its entrance into the Gulf of Mexico; the harbour accommodation has been improved, and trade is growing.
Language; Encyclopedias
A Portuguese maritime district of South-East Africa, stretching from the Zambesi S. to Delagoa Bay, and forming the S. portion of the colony of Mozambique. Sofala, chief port on a ...
Tammany Society
Language; Encyclopedias
A powerful political organization of New York City, whose ostensible objects, on its formation in 1805, were charity and reform of the franchise; its growth was rapid, and from ...
Language; Encyclopedias
A practice of imprinting various designs, often pictorial, upon the skin by means of coloring matter, e. g. Chinese ink, cinnabar, introduced into punctures made by needles; ...
Tarpeian Rock
Language; Encyclopedias
A precipitous cliff on the W. of the Capitoline Hill at Rome, from which in ancient times persons guilty of treason were hurled; named after Tarpeia, a vestal virgin, who betrayed ...
- Abbreviations (98)
- Alphabets (1)
- Dialectology (143)
- Dictionaries (267015)
- Encyclopedias (59405)
- Endangered languages (2382)
- Extinct languages (14)
- Funniest translations (221)
- General language (12191)
- Grammar (7818)
- Idioms (75725)
- Internet memes (3705)
- Language learning (689)
- Language visualizations (44)
- Linguistics (21453)
- Public speaking (6597)
- Slang (15316)
- Terminology (6463)
- Terminology management (3456)
- Translation (9347)
- World languages (46)