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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.
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Language > Encyclopedias 
Language; Encyclopedias
A flourishing manufacturing town and port of Washington State, on Puget Sound; has practically sprung into existence within the last 15 years, and is the outlet for the produce of ...
Language; Encyclopedias
A flourishing port of Norway, on a fiord on the SW. coast, 100 m. S. of Bergen; is of modern aspect, having been largely rebuilt; has two excellent harbours, a fine 11th-century ...
Language; Encyclopedias
A flourishing seaport of Durham, situated at the mouth of the Wear, 12 m. SE. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; embraces some very old parishes, but as a commercial town has entirely ...
St. Nazaire
Language; Encyclopedias
A flourishing seaport of France, on the Loire, 40 m. W. of Nantes, where large sums have been expended in improving its spacious docks to accommodate an increasing shipping-trade; ...
Language; Encyclopedias
A form of poetical composition invented in the 13th century, consisting of 14 decasyllabic or hendecasyllabic iambic lines, rhymed according to two well-established schemes which ...
Fort Sumter
Language; Encyclopedias
A fort on a shoal in Charleston harbour, 3½ m. from the town; occupied by Major Anderson with 80 men and 62 guns in the interest of the secession of South Carolina from the Union, ...
Language; Encyclopedias
A fortified seaport of North Prussia, on Strela Sound, opposite the island of Rugen, in the Baltic, and 66 m. NW. of Stettin, forms of itself an islet, and is connected with the ...

- Abbreviations (98)
- Alphabets (1)
- Dialectology (143)
- Dictionaries (267015)
- Encyclopedias (59405)
- Endangered languages (2382)
- Extinct languages (14)
- Funniest translations (221)
- General language (12191)
- Grammar (7818)
- Idioms (75725)
- Internet memes (3705)
- Language learning (689)
- Language visualizations (44)
- Linguistics (21453)
- Public speaking (6597)
- Slang (15316)
- Terminology (6463)
- Terminology management (3456)
- Translation (9347)
- World languages (46)