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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Language > Encyclopedias


Language; Encyclopedias

The fourth and lowest of the Hindu castes; are by some alleged to be of the aboriginal race of India who to retain their freedom adopted Brahmanism.

Baron de Stockmar

Language; Encyclopedias

Statesman, born at Coburg; bred to medicine, became physician to Leopold I. of Belgium, and at length his adviser; was adviser also of Queen Victoria before her accession; ...


Language; Encyclopedias

The founder of the Mahratta power in India, a bold warrior but an unlettered, of Rajput descent, brought up at Poona; began his career at 19; on his succession assumed the title ...

Electress of Hanover Sophia

Language; Encyclopedias

Youngest daughter of Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia, and mother of George I. (1630-1714).


Language; Encyclopedias

The theological doctrine that divine grace requires a correspondent action of the human will to render it effective, a doctrine defended by Melanchthon when he ascribes to the ...

Tantia Topee

Language; Encyclopedias

The most daring and stubborn of Nana Sahib's lieutenants during the Indian Mutiny; in alliance with the Rani of Jhansi he upheld for a time the mutiny after the flight of his ...

Mark Lemon

Language; Encyclopedias

Editor of Punch from 1843 to his death, born in London; began his career as a dramatist, story-teller, and song-writer, writing 60 pieces for the stage and 100 songs (1809-1870).