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Of of pertaining to any method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, whether united in a system specific to a country or region.

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Language > Translation


Translation & localization; Translation

Concordances are word-processing programs that produce a list of all the occurrences of a string of letters (part of a word (prefix/suffix), a complete word, or a group of words) ...

translation memories

Translation & localization; Translation

The main function of a CAT tool is to save the translation units in a database, called translation memory (TM), so that they can be re-used for any other text, or even in the same ...

belles infidèles

Translation & localization; Translation

The name given to translations produced during the eighteenth century. They conformed to the taste of the period in that they were free translations, unfaithful to the original ...

terminology validation

Translation & localization; Translation

Terminology validation is a process of ensuring that a term or its translation meets specified requirements. Source: Uwe Muegge. "Terminology validation" Localization World. ...

rule-based machine translation

Translation & localization; Translation

Rule-based machine translation is a type of machine translation that uses syntactical rules for analyzing sentences in the source language and for generating sentences in the ...

statistical machine translation

Translation & localization; Translation

Statistical machine translation is a type of machine translation that uses statistical models, which are based on the analysis of large bilingual corpora, to generate sentences in ...

machine translation

Translation & localization; Translation

Machine Translation (MT) is a type of software application where the program performs the task of creating a target text in another language without human intervention. Source: ...