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Of or pertaining to the art of writing in any form or style, most especially published works.

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Literature > Fiction

Harvali Desert

Literature; Fiction

Arid, hot-climate desert between the Red Cliffs and the southern Percyd Seas.

Hasve Trail

Literature; Fiction

A Bellflower trail linking several towns and settlements to a barge station on the Mirissi River.

helavan sex

Literature; Fiction

Sexual practices between members of the same gender.

Blackleaf Preserve

Literature; Fiction

A large preserved area among the southern Edges foothills. It was designated a preserve two hundred years ago, after over-extraction of the forestry resources in the area ...

Brother Designate; Sister Designate

Literature; Fiction

An adult who acts on behalf of a minor Holder, nominated by the other adult Holder or, in default of an adult Holder, by the Council of Elders for the karil in question. A Brother ...

Calderan Lake

Literature; Fiction

A lake-centered valley in the Vallar highlands, south of the Val'Halen Great House and part of its matrikaril, with several villages and a quarry supported there.


Literature; Fiction

The highest authority in a Chancel or Cloister, always an Elder.