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Natural environment

Related to any physical feature of the earth's natural environment.

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Natural environment > Coral reefs

expected value

Natural environment; Coral reefs

In statistics, the mean value calculated for a statistic over an infinite number of samples.


Natural environment; Coral reefs

Of, relating to, or located on the throat.


Natural environment; Coral reefs

Possessing a spongy or porous surface.

dissolved oxygen

Natural environment; Coral reefs

The concentration of oxygen dissolved in water, expressed in mg/l or as percent saturation, where saturation is the maximum amount of oxygen that can theoretically be dissolved in ...

kilobase (kb)

Natural environment; Coral reefs

A length unit equal to 1000 base pairs of a double-stranded nucleic acid molecule; 1000 pairs of nucleotide bases in DNA.

polygenic trait

Natural environment; Coral reefs

A phenotype controlled by many genes of small effect (polygenes).


Natural environment; Coral reefs

A small, low coastal island or emergent reef of sand or coral; flat mound of sand and admixed coral fragments built upon a reef flat or just above high tide level. A synonym of ...
