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The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders.

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Psychiatry > Phobias


Psychiatry; Phobias

Tokophobia, or fear of childbirth or pregnancy, is a form of specific phobia. Other terms for the condition include tocophobia and parturiphobia.


Psychiatry; Phobias

Triskaidekaphobia (from Greek tris meaning 'three,' kai meaning 'and,' deka meaning 'ten' and phobia meaning 'fear' or 'morbid fear') is fear of the number thirteen; it is a ...


Psychiatry; Phobias

Trypanophobia is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles.


Psychiatry; Phobias

Xenophobia is defined as the "hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture"


Psychiatry; Phobias

Ailurophobia is a type of specific phobia - the persistent, irrational fear of cats.


Psychiatry; Phobias

Apiphobia (from Latin apis for "honey bee"), melissophobia (from Greek melissa for "honeybee" and occasionally misspelt as melissaphobia), is a fear of bees and a kind of specific ...


Psychiatry; Phobias

Fear of bats, sometimes called chiroptophobia, may refer both to a specific phobia associated with bats and to common negative stereotypes and fear of bats stemming from ...
