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The science that deals with the mental and behaviourial characteristics of an individual, community or society.

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Psychology > Behavior analysis


Psychology; Behavior analysis

Session-to-session variability in performance (the lower the variability, the more stable the performance). A performance that can shift from one to another of two or more ...

second-order conditioning

Psychology; Behavior analysis

Second-order conditioning involves the pairing of two CSs (CSI + CS2), rather than the pairing of a CS and US (CS + US). Pavlov (1927/1960) conducted experiments that demonstrated ...


Psychology; Behavior analysis

Roughly, a discriminative stimulus or an occasion-setting stimulus; a stimulus that sets the occasion on which some contingency operates or on which some other stimulus may be ...


Psychology; Behavior analysis

Retraining observers to improve interobserver agreement scores, or to maintain their performance at acceptably high levels.

rate of responding

Psychology; Behavior analysis

Responses per unit time. Several types have been distinguished: overall or average rate, determined over a substantial time such as an experimental session; local, momentary, or ...

mean rate

Psychology; Behavior analysis

Responses per unit time calculated for an interval during which changes in local rate have occurred.

response contingent

Psychology; Behavior analysis

Response-contingent removal of an aversive condition resulting in an increased frequency of that response.