Home > Industry/Domain > Semiconductors


Any solid material with electrical conductivity due to electron flow (as opposed to ionic conductivity) of a magnitude between that of a conductor and that of an insulator.

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Semiconductors > Test equipment


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The ability of an instrument or sensor to maintain a consistent output when a constant input is applied.


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The ability of an instrument to give the same output or reading under repeated identical conditions.

field of view

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The area of the object under view as represented at the focal plane of a camera.


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The base-16 numbering system; 0_9, A_F.


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The binary data applied to and expected from a DUT during a functional test.

horizontal blanking

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The blanking signal that occurs at the end of each video scanning line.


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The brightness or intensity of a color.