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Any solid material with electrical conductivity due to electron flow (as opposed to ionic conductivity) of a magnitude between that of a conductor and that of an insulator.

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Semiconductors > Test equipment

cross coupling

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The coupling of a signal from one channel, circuit, or conductor to another, where it becomes an undesired signal.

defects per million (DPM)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The defect level expressed as defective parts per million units.


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The difference in a signal's voltage, current, or power from when the signal is transmitted to when it is received.

gray scale

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The discrete gray levels that are defined for an imaging system or imaging software. In an eight-bit system, the gray scale runs from 0 to255.


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The distinction between colors. Red, blue, green, and yellow are examples of hues. White, black, and gray are not considered hues because they are intensities, not colors.


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The effect of different propagation delays between signal origins and device pins (or other points, for example, probes).


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The encoding standard for 60-Hz black-and-white television signals; it is used as the standard for most monochrome video equipment.