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Any solid material with electrical conductivity due to electron flow (as opposed to ionic conductivity) of a magnitude between that of a conductor and that of an insulator.

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Semiconductors > Test equipment

defect level

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The fraction of devices shipped, which can be expected to be defective (ie. escapes) due to incomplete test coverage. Usually expressed as a percentage number.

frame rate

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The frequency at which an image is completely updated on a display monitor.

quantizing error

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The inherent uncertainty in digitizing an analog value that is caused by the finite resolution of the conversion process. Increasing the resolution of an ADC reduces the ...


Semiconductors; Test equipment

The integration of the product of two functions in time. Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain.

throughput rate

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The maximum repetitive rate at which a data-conversion system can operate with a specified accuracy.

parametric test

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The measurement and verification of terminal voltage and current characteristics at a device pin.

field strength

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The measurement of either the electric field or the magnetic field that is made in the far field. (Expressed in units of V/m, A/m, or W/m.)