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Any solid material with electrical conductivity due to electron flow (as opposed to ionic conductivity) of a magnitude between that of a conductor and that of an insulator.

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Semiconductors > Test equipment

embedded boundary scan test (EBST)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

Embedded BST means that an Embedded Test Controller based on an available processor located within the UUT becomes responsible for executing test and configuration operations. The ...

electrocardiograph (ECG )

Semiconductors; Test equipment

An instrument used to make heartbeat measurements

emitter coupled logic (ECL)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

Logic gates implemented using particular configurations of bipolar junction transistors. Generally used for high-speed applications.

effective competitive opportunities test (ECO test)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

Developed to determine whether U.S. carriers enjoy effective competition in a foreign carrier's market before granting U.S. market access to that foreign carrier. Following the ...

electronic design interchange format (EDIF)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

An industry-standard netlist format used when passing information between different software tools.

extended data out DRAM (EDO DRAM)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

Type of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) that is faster than conventional DRAM.

embedded deterministic test (EDT)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

A patented DFT technology from Mentor Graphics that creates highly compressed test vectors through the combination of embedding test logic in the scan paths and specialized ...