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Any solid material with electrical conductivity due to electron flow (as opposed to ionic conductivity) of a magnitude between that of a conductor and that of an insulator.

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Semiconductors > Test equipment

in-system programmable generic digital crosspoint devices (ispGDX)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

Programmable devices that are programmed through the JTAG, (IEEE 1149.1) bus. The I/O pins are divided into four banks. They are used in communications system boards that ...

interconnect stress test (IST)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The IST system is designed to quantify the ability of the total interconnect to withstand the thermal and mechanical strains, from the as manufactured state, until the products ...

interactive television (ITV)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

Interactive Television, based on a Back Channel interactive TV, enables the consumer, e.g. to select his individual TV program at any time or to take part in game shows, although ...

integrated vehicle health management (IVHM)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

Vehicle health management. A term first used by NASA to indicate the integrated health management system on a space vehicle.

interchangeable virtual instrument (IVI)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

A standard that is generated by the IVI Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization chartered to define software standards that promote instrument interchangeability.

imaginary number

Semiconductors; Test equipment

(j) - The square root of -1 is called an imaginary number and is designated as j or i.

joule (J)

Semiconductors; Test equipment

The unit of work and energy.