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Translation & localization

1) The converting of one language into another for the purpose of facilitating understanding and 2)The process of adapting a language for a specific country or region, or translation of a product into another language so it is marketable in a specific country or region

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Translation & localization > Terminology management


Translation & localization; Terminology management

the properties of an object or common to a set of objects are obstracted as characteristics, which are combined as a set in the formation of a concept.


Translation & localization; Terminology management

the set of characteristics that come together as a unit to form the concept is called the intension.


Translation & localization; Terminology management

the objects viewed as a set and conceptualized into a concept are known as extension.

glossary translation

Translation & localization; Terminology management

The process of translating technical terms of a given glossary into each of the target languages based on certain terminology attributes such as industry and product category. ...

partitive relation

Translation & localization; Terminology management

A partitive relation is said to exist when the superordinate concept represents a whole, while the subordinate concepts represent parts of that whole.

concept field

Translation & localization; Terminology management

A concept field is the group of unstructured but thematically related concepts that shall be used as the starting point for building a concept model.

associative concept system

Translation & localization; Terminology management

a system in which all the concepts relate to each other by association. The type of associative relation between any two concepts may vary within a system.