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A natural science concerned with the study of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially in relation to their origin, growth, reproduction, structure, behaviour and evolution.

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Biology > Neuroscience

medial longitudinal fasciculus

Biology; Neuroscience

Axon tract that carries excitatory projections from the abducens nucleus to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus; important in coordinating conjugate eye movements.


Biology; Neuroscience

Axon tracts that cross the midline of the brain. See also anterior commissure.

postganglionic axons

Biology; Neuroscience

Axons that link visceral motor neurons in autonomic ganglia to their targets.

climbing fibers

Biology; Neuroscience

Axons that originate in the inferior olive, ascend through the inferior cerebellar peduncle, and make terminal arborizations that invest the dendritic tree of Purkinje cells.


Biology; Neuroscience

Ballistic, conjugate eye movements that change the point of foveal fixation.

olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs)

Biology; Neuroscience

Bipolar neurons in olfactory epithelium that contain receptors for odorants.

olfactory receptor neurons

Biology; Neuroscience

Bipolar neurons in olfactory epithelium that contain receptors for odorants.