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Add a new term in the news - secular stagnation (5 November 2014) Secular stagnation is an economic condition in which the economy is in a slump, with negligible or no growth for a prolonged period, that it may never be able to escape. In a secular stagnation, the economy has insufficient investment demand to absorb all the financial ...
- Brittany Maynard (3 November 2014) Brittany Lauren Maynard (November 19, 1984 – November 1, 2014) was an American woman who had terminal cancer and became a right-to-die advocate before committing suicide at the age of 29. Maynard made headlines when a video of her making her suicide threat went viral and ...
- Kiruna (23 October 2014) Kiruna is Sweden's most northern located Arctic city. Founded in 1900 by the state-owned Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara mining company, it is known for having vast amounts of iron ore which is found beneath the town itself. Because of this, White architects have been given ...
- use with extreme caution (UEC) (22 October 2014) UEC is a nickname that the ubiquitous USB (or universal serial bus) drive has acquired in recent years due to its security vulnerability. USB drives are designed to be versatile to ensure the host computer's USB port can accept a wide-range of peripheral devices, such as ...
- reversible tractor beam (20 October 2014) A tractor beam is a technique that uses a light beam to attract one object to another from a distance. The term was originally coined by E. E. Smith as an update to his earlier description of the attractor beam in his novel Spacehounds of IPC (1931). A reversible tractor ...
- Section 123 Agreement (17 October 2014) Section 123 of the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, titled "Cooperation With Other Nations", establishes an agreement for cooperation as a prerequisite for nuclear deals between the US and any other nation.[1] Such an agreement is called a 123 Agreement.[2] To date, ...
- Ebola (11 July 2014) Ebola virus disease (formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever) is a severe, often fatal illness, with a case fatality rate of up to 90%. It is one of the world's most virulent diseases.The infection is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, body fluids and tissues ...
- RoomAlive (6 October 2014) RoomAlive is an augmented reality system that extends an Xbox gaming environment to an entire living room. Microsoft first demonstrated the technology with its IllumiRoom research project at the 2013 CES. RoomAlive is IllumiRoom version 2.0 and it combines Kinect and ...
- Air Free (5 October 2014) Air Free is a second-generation prototype of Bridgestone's airless tires that are designed to replace conventional air inflated tires. Air Free uses an array of shock-absorbing resin bands that resemble thick, angled spokes to perform the same function as the cushion of air ...
- Rochester Cloak (29 September 2014) Rochester Cloak is an optical device that makes solid objects disappear, similar to the magic power of Harry Potter's 'invisibility cloak' that makes things disappear in front your eyes. Designed by a professor-student team of physics at the University of Rochester, the ...