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Agricultural chemicals
Includes chemicals designed for agricultural use for protection of crops from fungus and insects, as well as for the growth and protection of plants.
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Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides 
registration jacket
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Also Registration File. A file of documents supporting registration for each pesticide product. These files contain product labels, OPP and registrant correspondence, OPP science ...
request identification number (RIN)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
A number assigned by EPA to identify your Freedom of Information Act request (e.g., 1234-99). Refer to the RIN when contacting EPA concerning your request.
ten-to-the-minus-sixth (10-6)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Used in risk assessments to refer to the probability of risk. Literally means a chance of one in a million. Similarly, ten-to-the-minus-fifth means a probability of one in ...
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
Enacted in June 25, 1947, the Act instructs the EPA to regulate: 1) the registration of all pesticides used in the United States, 2) the licensing of pesticide applicators, 3) ...
threshold limit value (TLV)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The concentration of an airborne substance that a healthy person can be exposed to for a 40-hour work week without adverse effect; a workplace exposure standard.
total dissolved solids (TDS)
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
The quantity of dissolved material in a given volume of water.
tox one-liner
Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides
An OPP summary of toxicology reviews for a particular active ingredient. For each entry, the One-liner lists a citation, MRID Numbers or Accession Numbers, brief study results, ...

- Fungicides (58)
- Herbicides (125)
- Insecticides (20)
- Nitrogen fertilizers (16)
- Organic fertilizers (43)
- Pesticides (35135)
- Potassium fertilizers (300)
- Urea (21)