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Agricultural chemicals

Includes chemicals designed for agricultural use for protection of crops from fungus and insects, as well as for the growth and protection of plants.

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Contributors in Agricultural chemicals

Agricultural chemicals > Pesticides

material type

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Classification of suspect material by its specific use or application; e.g., pipe insulation, fireproofing, and floor tile.

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

A facility that processes residentially collected mixed recyclables into new products available for market.

maximally (or most) exposed individual

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

The person with the highest exposure in a given population.

maximum acceptable toxic concentration

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

For a given ecological effects test, the range (or geometric mean) between the No Observable Adverse Effect Level and the Lowest Observable Adverse Effects Level.

Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT)

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

The emission standard for sources of air pollution requiring the maximum reduction of hazardous emissions, taking cost and feasibility into account. Under the Clean Air Act ...

maximum contaminant level

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

The maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water delivered to any user of a public system. MCLs are enforceable standards.

Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)

Agricultural chemicals; Pesticides

Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, a non-enforceable concentration of a drinking water contaminant, set at the level at which no known or anticipated adverse effects on human ...