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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Cultural anthropology

play group

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A group of juveniles within a larger social unit that engage in play behavior.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A glacial deposit (till) with a distinctive topographic expression. "terminal moraines" mark episodes of stability or re-advance in a period of overall glacial retreat. Moraines ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A fragment of the rim, or top edge, of a ceramic vessel. Important archaeologically since rims-herds frequently show the greatest degree of stylistic variability.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A genetically-determined pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific internal or environmental stimuli.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A genetically determined characteristic that is expressed only in the homozygous recessive condition.

phenylketonuria (PKU)

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A genetic disease, inherited as a recessive, brought about by the absence of the enzyme responsible for the conversion of the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine. Phenylalanine ...

Turner's syndrome

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A genetic disease characterized by forty-five chromosomes with a sex chromosome count of x-; phenotypically female, but sterile.