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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Cultural anthropology

XTENT modeling

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A method of generating settlement hierarchy, that overcomes the limitations of both central place theory and thiessen polygons; it assigns territories to centers based on their ...

negative eugenics

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A method of eliminating deleterious alleles from the gene pool by encouraging persons with such alleles not to reproduce.

minimum number of individuals (MNI)

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A method of assessing species abundance in faunal assemblages based on a calculation of the smallest number of animals necessary to account for all the identified bones. Usually ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A method of bonding metals together, for instance silver with copper or copper with gold.

controlled comparison

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A method in which hypotheses are tested by comparing two or more populations that are similar or identical in most respects other than that which has been defined as the ...

Maya calendar

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A method employed by the Maya of measuring the passage of time, comprising two separate calendar systems: (1) the Calendar Round, used for everyday purposes; (2) the Long Count, ...


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A member of the subphylum vertebrate; possesses a bony spine or vertebral column.