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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Cultural anthropology


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A member of the superfamily hominoidea, which includes apes and humans.

independent assortment

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A mendelian principle which states that differing traits are inherited independently of each other. It applies only to genes on different chromosomes.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A medium of the supernatural who acts as a person in possession of unique curing, divining, or witchcraft capabilities.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A member of the extinct class of early jawed vertebrates.


Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A member of the family hominidae, which includes humans.

immunological distance (ID)

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A measure of the strength of an antigen-antibody reaction that is indicative of the evolutionary distance separating the populations being studied.

social pressure

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

A means of social control in which people who venture over the boundaries of society's rules are brought back into line.