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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.

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Anthropology > Mythology

navi / nekrštenici / drekavac

Anthropology; Mythology

Navi, nekrštenici ("the unbaptized ones") and drekavaci ("the howlers") are all different names for undead children which were aborted or allowed to die before their baptism. They ...


Anthropology; Mythology

Girl that has an evil spirit in her, which goes out at night in different shapes, wanders and attacks people in sleep. Mora is able to turn in chicken, others birds or a ...


Anthropology; Mythology

Ala destroys everything it can’t devour with horrible thunderstorm it can conjure with ease. If crops survive, ala can also summon hail. Ala is terribly afraid of loud noises, and ...


Anthropology; Mythology

Plague comes into our world in the shape of old, ugly woman with huge eyes and messed hair. It enters house through chimney or attic. She carries small clay pot filled with arrows ...


Anthropology; Mythology

Vodenjaci ("water demons") are spirits of unbaptized or evil men who drown people in order to turn them into their servants, usually around water mills. Fishermen usually offer ...


Anthropology; Mythology

Wraiths look like very thin men and women, wearing a winding sheet over their bodies in vain attempt to warm themselves. They constantly chatter their teeth. They kill not because ...


Religion; Mythology

Hag or babaroga (horn-headed crone) is a very old woman without teeth, twisted face and a small horn in the middle of the forehead. Lives near villages. Her presence scares ...