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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > General archaeology

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF)

Archaeology; General archaeology

A method used in the analysis of artifact composition, in which the sample is irradiated with a beam of X-rays which excite electrons associated with atoms on the surface.

mosaic evolution

Archaeology; General archaeology

The concept that major evolutionary changes tend to take place in stages, not all at once. Human evolution shows a mosaic pattern in the fact that small canine teeth, large ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

The experimental reproduction or duplication of prehistoric artifacts in an attempt to better understand how they were made and used in the past.


Archaeology; General archaeology

A magnetic bearing sighted from your position to a known landmark. Used in navigation and in determining site locations.

atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)

Archaeology; General archaeology

A method of analyzing artifact composition similar to optical emission spectrometry (OES) in that it measures energy in the form of visible light waves. It is capable of ...

neolithic revolution

Archaeology; General archaeology

A term coined by V. G. Childe in 1941 to describe the origin and consequences of farming (i.e. the development of stock raising and agriculture), allowing the widespread ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

The latest major geological epoch, colloquially known as the "Ice Age" due to the multiple expansion and retreat of glaciers. Ca. 3. 000,000-10,000 years B. P.