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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > General archaeology

cultural resource management (CRM)

Archaeology; General archaeology

The safeguarding of the archaeological heritage through the protection of sites and through salvage archaeology (rescue archaeology), generally within the framework of legislation ...

fluvial deposits

Archaeology; General archaeology

Sediments laid down by running water.


Archaeology; General archaeology

A section, or exposure of the ground, showing depositional or developmental strata or horizons.

topographic map

Archaeology; General archaeology

A map which accurately depicts the physical features and relief of an area.

contour line

Archaeology; General archaeology

A line on a map connecting points of equal elevation.

calendrical system

Archaeology; General archaeology

A system of measuring time that is based on natural recurring units of time, such as revolutions of the earth around the sun. Time is determined by the number of such units that ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

An electronic device for detecting small anomalies in the earth's magnetic field. Can be used to explore certain subsurface characteristics of an archaeological site prior to ...