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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > General archaeology


Archaeology; General archaeology

Pictures, symbols, or other art work pecked, carved or incised on natural rock surfaces.

geochemical analysis

Archaeology; General archaeology

The investigatory technique which involves taking soil samples at regular intervals from the surface of a site, and measuring their phosphate content and other chemical ...

world system

Archaeology; General archaeology

A term coined by the historian Wallerstein to designate an economic unit, articulated by trade networks extending far beyond the boundaries of individual political units (nation ...

cultural deposit

Archaeology; General archaeology

Sediments and materials laid down by, or heavily modified by, human activity.

fall-off analysis

Archaeology; General archaeology

The study of regularities in the way in which quantities of traded items found in the archaeological record decline as the distance from the source increases. This may be plotted ...

probabilistic sampling

Archaeology; General archaeology

Sampling method, employing probability theory, designed to draw reliable general conclusions about a site or region, based on small sample areas. Four types of sampling ...

test pit

Archaeology; General archaeology

A small exploratory "dig" designed to determine a site's depth, and contents prior to major excavation.