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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > General archaeology


Archaeology; General archaeology

A system of shared, learned, symbolic human behavior for adaptation to our natural and social environment. Culture may be thought of as a system composed of interrelated parts or ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

Intrusive fieldwork with a clear purpose, which examines and records archaeological deposits, features and structures and recovers artefacts, ecofacts and other remains within a ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

Non-portable evidence of past human behavior, activity, and technology, found on or in the ground. Prehistoric features commonly include fire pits and hearths, burned earth and ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

The large-scale recovery, by excavation, of enough archaeological information from a site so that the entire range of materials present and information on past activities and ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

The horizontal and vertical location of an artifact at a site.


Archaeology; General archaeology

The presence or occurrence of one or more artifacts or features indicates an archaeological site. An archaeological site is an instance of past human behavior or activity, where ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

Horizons, strata, or layers of soil deposited at a location, where the deepest strata were deposited the earliest, and the more recent layers deposited higher in the stratigraphic ...