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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.
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Archaeology > General archaeology 
cable-supported construction
Archaeology; General archaeology
A structure that is held in equilibrium by cables.
cable tray
Archaeology; General archaeology
An assembly of metalwork which is used to support insulated electric conductors;similar in function to a metal cable duct, but consisting of a ladder-like metal framework on the ...
cable vault
Archaeology; General archaeology
An underground structure used in pulling or splicing electric cables which are laid underground.
Archaeology; General archaeology
An apparatus for moving material,sometimes used at construction sites; usually a wire rope which is suspended between two points, from which buckets, or the like, are hung and ...
cadmium plating
Archaeology; General archaeology
An electroplating which provides a corrosion-resistant coating on metal.
cadmium yellow
Archaeology; General archaeology
A strong yellow pigment,cadmium sulfide, characterized by good permanence;used in paints.
Archaeology; General archaeology
In ancient Rome, irregular masonry built of rough quarry stones not squared or shaped in any way.

- Archaeobotany (69)
- Archaeology tools (308)
- Artifacts (109)
- Dig sites (82)
- Evolution (16298)
- General archaeology (5791)
- Human evolution (26719)
- Palaeoethnobotany (26)
- Zooarchaeology (28)