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The scientific study of physical remains, whether monuments, artifacts or relics of past human life, cultures or activities.

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Archaeology > General archaeology

data structure report (DSR)

Archaeology; General archaeology

The ‘Structure Report’, as defined by Historic Scotland, is designed to be the immediate product of excavation: an intermediate summary to define the questions and funding of ...

desk-based assessment (DBA)

Archaeology; General archaeology

An assessment of both the known and potential archaeological resource within a specified area. A study is carried out on available sources such as SMRs, Map Evidence, Documentary ...

development control

Archaeology; General archaeology

under the Planning Acts, the functions of the planning authority in deciding on planning applications and enforcing compliance with the planning laws.


Archaeology; General archaeology

Material which can demonstrate the interaction between the environmental of the locality and the human exploitation within the locality, such as pollen samples, grain, nuts, fish ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

A limited programme of non-intrusive and/or intrusive fieldwork, which determines the presence or absence of archaeological features, structures, deposits, artefacts or ecofacts ...


Archaeology; General archaeology

A form of evaluation that provides details of surface features visible during a physical search of the site area and is a systematic observation of the ground surface during.

cultural heritage

Culture; General culture

Property, especially a good or service, with a cultural or historical dimension that has been passed on from a previous generation and is intended to be preserved for future ...