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Ancient astronomy. In its current understanding, the belief in the effect of celestial bodies on the lives of humans and world events.

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Astrology > General astrology

direct station

Astrology; General astrology

A planet when returning to Direct Motion through the zodiac after a period of Retrograde Motion remains stationary for a brief period. This "Direct Station" is the ideal time to ...

dissociate aspect

Astrology; General astrology

Aspect within orb, but not within the bounds of the aspecting sign.


Astrology; General astrology

A planet placed in its domicile, or home sign; or more strictly, when in a part of a sign where it has more than one dignity.

equally ascending

Astrology; General astrology

Pairs of signs that take equal lengths of time to rise over the horizon.


Astrology; General astrology

The band of maximum circumference of the Earth, located at 0° Latitude. When the Sun by declination is located above the Equator, this is the time of the Equinox. See Celestial ...


Astrology; General astrology

Midpoint between centres of Sun and Moon in a chart. Expresses subtle, unconscious forces.


Astrology; General astrology

Two signs equidistant from an equinoctial point, one being north, the other south. At 0° Aries and 0° Libra the night hours are equal to the day hours. This relation remains ...