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Ancient astronomy. In its current understanding, the belief in the effect of celestial bodies on the lives of humans and world events.

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Astrology > General astrology


Astrology; General astrology

The place in a planet's orbit which is nearest to the Earth.


Astrology; General astrology

The place in a planet's orbit which is nearest to the Sun.


Astrology; General astrology

A planet being in an angular place (or house) in the whole-sign house system.


Astrology; General astrology

Chant or magical incantation of specific Sanskrit sounds or phrases deriving from the Vedas and other Hindu scriptures. This is used in astrology as a remedy either to counteract ...


Astrology; General astrology

Stars or planets rising before the Sun in the morning.


Astrology; General astrology

A discipline in Hellenistic Astrology that investigates links between astral phenomena at birth and physical characteristics in the human body.


Astrology; General astrology

A great circle projected onto the celestial sphere, which encompasses the north and south points on the horizon and the zenith, which is directly above the observer.