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Ancient astronomy. In its current understanding, the belief in the effect of celestial bodies on the lives of humans and world events.

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Astrology > General astrology


Astrology; General astrology

A line drawn from Aldebaran between the horns of the Bull, leads to two bright stars belonging to the constellation of Gemini. The uper one is called Castor, and the lower one, ...


Astrology; General astrology

The four bright stars at the four corners are Orion's shoulders and limbs; three little stars above the shoulders, his head; and three bright stars in the center, his Belt or ...


Astrology; General astrology

A short distance below the Crown a little triangle of stars will be seen, from which a long line of stars curves downwards in a rough semicircle in the direction of Altair.

Piscis Australis

Astrology; General astrology

The three right-hand stars of Cetus point down to a bright star - below Aquarius and not far above the horizon - called Fomalhaut, in the constellation of Piscis Australis.


Astrology; General astrology

The science of the stars, astrology seeks the meaning and application of the planets, stars and other celestial phenomena in our lives. A very ancient, yet still vital discipline.

absides (Absis)

Astrology; General astrology

The points where the major axis of an elliptical orbit meets the orbital path. See Apsides.

age, astrological

Astrology; General astrology

The location of the vernal point in the sidereal zodiac defines the current Astrological Age. An Astrological Age has a duration of some 2,160 years, as the vernal point (0° Aries ...