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Dealing with vehicles or machines used in flight or propulsion through the air.

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Aviation > Airport

intermediate approach fix (IF)

Aviation; Air traffic control

The fix at which an aircraft enters the intermediate approach segment of an instrument approach procedure (IAP).

instrument landing system (ILS)

Aviation; Air traffic control

A radionavigation precision-approach system that provides aircraft with horizontal and vertical guidance just before and during landing and that, at certain fixed points, ...

electronic jamming

Aviation; Air traffic control

Electronic countermeasures (ECM) consisting of the deliberate radiation, reradiation, or reflection of electromagnetic energy with the object of impairing the use of electronic ...

estimated time en route

Aviation; Air traffic control

The estimated flying time from departure point to destination (liftoff to touchdown).

ground control

Aviation; Air traffic control

An ATC service provided for the purpose of: (a) preventing collisions on the manoeuvring area between aircraft and between aircraft and obstacles or vehicles; and (b) expediting ...

middle marker (MM)

Aviation; Air traffic control

A marker beacon that defines a point along the glide path (GP) of an instrument landing system (ILS) normally located at or near the point of decision height (DH).

fuel remaining

Aviation; Air traffic control

The amount of fuel remaining on board until actual fuel exhaustion.