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Dealing with vehicles or machines used in flight or propulsion through the air.

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Aviation > Powerplant

circular magnetism

Aviation; Aircraft maintenance

A method of magnetizing a part for magnetic particle inspection. Current is passed through the part, and the lines of magnetic flux surround it. Circular magnetism makes it ...

longitudinal magnetism

Aviation; Aircraft maintenance

A method of magnetizing through a solenoid, or coil, that encircles the part so the lines of magnetic flux pass lengthwise through the part. Longitudinal magnetism makes it ...

oil analysis

Aviation; Aircraft maintenance

A method of measuring the contents in parts per million of various chemical elements in oil. A sample of the oil is burned in an electric arc, and the resulting light is analyzed ...

sand casting

Aviation; Aircraft maintenance

A method of molding metal parts in a mold made of sand. A pattern that duplicates the part to be molded is made of wood and is covered with a special casting sand that contains a ...

jet propulsion

Aviation; Aircraft maintenance

A method of propulsion by accelerating a relatively small mass of air through a large change in velocity.


Aviation; Aircraft maintenance

A method of repairing damaged compressor and turbine blades. The damage is removed and the area is cleaned out with a fine file to form a shallow depression with generous radii. ...

oil dilution

Aviation; Aircraft maintenance

A method of temporarily decreasing the viscosity of the lubricating oil to make it possible to start a reciprocating engine when the temperature is very low. Before shutting the ...