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A natural science concerned with the study of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially in relation to their origin, growth, reproduction, structure, behaviour and evolution.

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Biology > Immunology

myasthenia gravis

Biology; Immunology

Autoimmune disease in which antibody specific for the acetyl choline receptor expressed in muscle blocks function at the neuromuscular junction.


Biology; Immunology

A tumor of plasma cells, generally secreting a single monoclonal immunoglobulin.

natural killer (NK) cells

Biology; Immunology

Large granular lymphocyte-like cells that kill various tumor cells in vitro and may play a role in resistance to tumors; also participate in ADCC; derived from the lymphoid ...

negative selection

Biology; Immunology

Step in development of B and T cells at which cells with potential reactivity to self molecules are functionally inactivated.


Biology; Immunology

The ability of an antibody to block or inhibit the effects of a virus.


Biology; Immunology

The coating of a particle such as a bacterium with antibody and/or a complement component (an opsonin) that leads to enhanced phagocytosis by phagocytic cells.

paracortical area (or paracortex)

Biology; Immunology

The T-cell area of the lymph node.