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Business administration

Business management best practices including corporate strategy development, financial management, human resource management, information management, resource planning, marketing and sales.

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Business administration > Business management

computer simulation

Business administration; Business management

A simulation exercise conducted by computer; for example, to produce the realistic experience of flying in the training of airline pilots.

point-of-sale advertising

Business administration; Business management

A form of advertising material that is below the line and placed in retail outlets; that is, the point at which the sale is actually made.

cold calling

Business administration; Business management

A form of selling where the salesperson approaches a prospective customer – by telephone, post, e-mail or in person – with no prior contact being made.


Business administration; Business management

A technique, which originated in accounting, for displaying items in a wide series of columns (i.e. on a spread sheet of paper) so that calculations could be made by row or column ...

direct mail advertising

Business administration; Business management

A form of below the line advertising where communications are sent directly to customers or potential customers by mail.

brand name

Business administration; Business management

The name by which a brand is identified. If it is sufficiently important to the brand identity and brand image of a product it can become a registered trademark.

organizational behaviour

Business administration; Business management

The behaviour of an organization acting as an entity, rather than that of any individual member.