Contributors in Computer
Computer > Desktop PC 
drill down
Computer; Desktop PC
To start at a top-level or general menu, directory, or Web page and pass through several intermediate menus,directories, or linked pages, until the specific file, page, menu ...
drive bay
Computer; Desktop PC
A hollow, rectangular area in a computer chassis designed to hold a disk drive. The side walls of a drive bay generally contain holes to facilitate installation of a disk drive. ...
drive letter
Computer; Desktop PC
The naming convention for disk drives on IBM and compatible computers. Drives are named by letter, beginning with A, followed by a colon.
drive mapping
Computer; Desktop PC
The assignment of a letter or name to a disk drive so that the operating system or network server can identify and locate it. For example, in PCs, the primary drive mappings are ...
drive number
Computer; Desktop PC
The naming convention for Macintosh disk drives. For example, a two-drive system calls its drives 0 and 1.
Computer; Desktop PC
A hardware device or a program that controls or regulates another device. A device driver, for example, is a device-specific control program that enables a computer to work with a ...
drop cap
Computer; Desktop PC
A large capital letter at the beginning of a text block that occupies the vertical depth of two or more lines of regular text.

- Big data (12)
- Computer hardware (3682)
- Computer science (2888)
- Connection cables (60)
- Desktop PC (5363)
- Input and output devices (89)
- Laptops (2619)
- PC peripherals (150)
- Productivity software (22503)
- Servers (251)
- Software engineering (52842)
- Storage (627)
- Tablet PC (3209)
- Unicode standard (14247)
- USB devices (172)
- Wearables (84)
- Wireless technology (1563)
- Workstations (5364)