Contributors in Computer
Computer > Desktop PC ![](/template/termwiki/images/arrow_01.gif)
character device
Computer; Desktop PC
1、A computer device, such as a keyboard or printer,that receives or transmits information as a stream of characters, one character at a time. The characters can betransferred ...
character printer
Computer; Desktop PC
1、A printer that operates by printing one characterat a time, such as a standard dot-matrix printer. Compare line printer, page printer. 2、A printer that cannot print graphics. ...
character recognition
Computer; Desktop PC
The process of applying pattern-matching methods to character shapes that have been read into a computer todetermine which alphanumeric characters or punctuation marks the shapes ...
character set
Computer; Desktop PC
A grouping of alphabetic, numeric, and other characters that have somerelationship in common. For example, the standard ASCII character set includes letters, numbers, symbols, ...
characters per inch
Computer; Desktop PC
A measurement for the number of characters of a particular size and font that can fit into a line one inch long. This number is affected by the type抯 point size and the width of ...
characters per second n.
Computer; Desktop PC
1、A measure of the speed of a nonlaser printer, such as a dot-matrixor an ink-jet printer. 2、A measure of the rate at which a device, such as a disk drive, cantransfer data. In ...
character string
Computer; Desktop PC
A set of characters treated as a unit and interpreted by a computeras text rather than numbers. A character string can contain any sequence of elements from a given character ...
- Big data (12)
- Computer hardware (3682)
- Computer science (2888)
- Connection cables (60)
- Desktop PC (5363)
- Input and output devices (89)
- Laptops (2619)
- PC peripherals (150)
- Productivity software (22503)
- Servers (251)
- Software engineering (52842)
- Storage (627)
- Tablet PC (3209)
- Unicode standard (14247)
- USB devices (172)
- Wearables (84)
- Wireless technology (1563)
- Workstations (5364)