Contributors in Computer
Computer > Productivity software
connection point
Software; Productivity software
A System. Web. UI. WebControls. WebParts. ConnectionPoint object associated with the provider and consumer controls that participate in Web Parts connections. A connection point ...
Software; Productivity software
A collection of data formatted/arranged to allow for easy search and retrieval.
drill-through report
Software; Productivity software
A secondary report that is displayed when a user clicks an item in a report. Detailed data is displayed in the same report.
from clause
Software; Productivity software
The clause that introduces a data source and a range variable in a query expression.
html server control
Software; Productivity software
. In contrast to Web server controls, HTML server controls do not have an asp tag prefix.">An ASP. NET server control that belongs to the System. Web. UI. HtmlControls namespace. ...
public key
Software; Productivity software
The nonsecret half of a cryptographic key pair that is used with a public key algorithm. Public keys are typically used when encrypting a session key, verifying a digital ...
- Big data (12)
- Computer hardware (3682)
- Computer science (2888)
- Connection cables (60)
- Desktop PC (5363)
- Input and output devices (89)
- Laptops (2619)
- PC peripherals (150)
- Productivity software (22503)
- Servers (251)
- Software engineering (52842)
- Storage (627)
- Tablet PC (3209)
- Unicode standard (14247)
- USB devices (172)
- Wearables (84)
- Wireless technology (1563)
- Workstations (5364)