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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Geology

abyssal plain

Earth science; Geology

Large area of extremely flat ocean floor lying near a continent and generally over 4 km in depth.


Earth science; Geology

The maximum amount of water that a channel can carry is when the river reaches the very top of the banks. Over bankfull and the river will flood.


Earth science; Geology

Form of beach shoreline involving sharp seaward- pointing cusps (normally at regular intervals) between which the shoreline follows a smooth arc.


Earth science; Geology

A pyroclastic deposit consisting of an accumulation of originally plastic ejecta and formed by the coherence of the fragments upon solidification.

astronomical tide

Earth science; Geology

The tidal levels and character which would result from gravitational effects, e.g. of the Earth, Sun and Moon, without any atmospheric influences.

beach depletion

Earth science; Geology

Where a beach is losing material due to the action of longshore drift or humans erecting sea defenses or removing material for industrial reasons.

composite volcano

Earth science; Geology

A volcano that is constructed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits, along with abundant dikes and sills. Also, a composite cone.