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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Geology

accretionary heating

Earth science; Geology

Thermal energy resulting from bolide impacts upon the surface of an object.


Earth science; Geology

A white or colorless, lower relative temperature, triclinic mineral of the feldspar group: (NaAlSi 3 O 8 ). It is a variety of plagioclase that commonly occurs in igneous and ...

alluvial fan

Earth science; Geology

Land counterpart of a delta . An assemblage of sediments marking place where a stream moves from a steep gradient to a flatter gradient and suddenly loses transporting power. ...

alpine glaciers

Earth science; Geology

A glacier or body of compacted snow and ice, in mountainous terrain. It generally originates in a cirque and may flow down a valley previously made by a stream.


Earth science; Geology

An ion with a negative electrical charge. That is, an atom that has gained one or more electrons.


Earth science; Geology

A plutonic rock composed almost wholly of plagioclase.

antipodes and hills of Mercury

Earth science; Geology

Weird terrain best describes this hilly, lineated region of Mercury. This area is at the antipodal point from the large Caloris basin. The shock wave produced by the Caloris ...