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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

water vapor feedback

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A positive feedback loop in the atmosphere wherein an increase in temperature increases the water holding capacity. This will lead to an increase in the amount of atmospheric ...

Younger Dryas

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A post-LGM European climate regime where the retreat of the ice was reversed. The evidence for this event, which started at about 9000 BC, is strongest for the North Atlantic ...

modular ocean model (MOM)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A primitive equation general ocean circulation model developed at GFDL. It is intended to be a flexible tool for exploring ocean and coupled air-sea applications over a wide range ...

statistical downscaling

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A procedure wherein local or regional climate characteristics are inferred from the output of GCMs that don’t explicitly resolve such scales. Statistical relationships between ...

pancake cycle

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A process of sea ice development in the Antarctic. The pancake ice pieces start with a diameter of tens of centimeters, but aggregate with loose frazil ice crystals through wind ...

halocline catastrophe

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A process wherein deep convection and the formation of bottom waters ceases if the ocean surface salinity decreases sufficiently via enhanced freshwater input. This process is ...

Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate processes in the coupled ocean– atmosphere system (EPIC (CLIVAR))

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A process–oriented study of the VAMOS element of CLIVAR. EPIC focuses on the eastern Pacific Ocean, specifically the cold tongue ITCZ region and the stratus dreck region. The goal ...