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Earth science
Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.
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Earth science > Physical oceanography 
Tropical Pacific Upper Ocean Heat and Mass Budgets (TROPIC HEAT)
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A process–oriented study within the TOGA observing system for examining the processes controlling SST in the equatorial eastern Pacific. It was designed to explore the ...
SeaWiFS Bio–Optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS)
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A product of the calibration/ validation element of the SeaWiFS project which provides an interface to the project holdings of bio–optical and laboratory instrument calibration ...
Arctic Ocean Shelf Studies
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A program aimed at understanding how the shelf processes partition salt and fresh water components, how the resulting buoyancy fluxes are coupled to the ocean interior, at ...
Reports of Oceanographic Cruises and Oceanographic Programs (ROSCOP)
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A program conceived by the IOC in the late 1960s to provide a low level inventory for tracking oceanographic data collected on research vessels. It is a form to be completed by a ...
Arctic Ocean Variability Project
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A program designed to assess the variability of the circulation and density structure of the Arctic Ocean including exchanges with the surrounding seas, to find the rates and ...
Ocean-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange Study (OACES)
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A program designed to gain a predictive understanding of the magnitude of the atmospheric carbon dioxide that is ultimately dissolved in the ocean and removed from the atmosphere ...
Shipboard Environmental (Data) Acquisition System (SEAS)
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A program developed by NOAA to provide accurate meteorological and oceanographic data in real time from ships at sea through the use of satellite data transmission techniques. The ...

- Geology (10953)
- Mapping science (105290)
- Oceanography (12332)
- Physical oceanography (42660)
- Remote sensing (8661)
- Seismology (14406)
- Soil science (29216)