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Earth science
Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.
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Earth science > Physical oceanography 
RNODC from the Southern Oceans (RNODC-SOC)
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A data center commissioned in 1988 within IODE to acquire the physical and chemical data obtained by the international scientific community in cruises and research programs ...
Ocean Information Center (OCEANIC)
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A data center that maintains information on WOCE, TOGA, research ships and cruise schedules, and other oceanographic information sources.
normal modes
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A decomposition solution procedure based on the eigenvectors of the linearized dynamical equations, i.e. an inherently linear concept. For example, the equations of large-scale ...
Fram Strait
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A deep reaching passage with a sill depth of about 2200 m separating the Arctic Ocean to the north from the Nordic Seas to the south. This is the primary path for water exchanges ...
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A deep submersible commissioned on June 5, 1964 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It has been used for over a thousand research and rescue missions in the years since ...
Iceland–Scotland Overflow Water
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A deep water mass found over the slopes of the Iceland– Scotland Ridge in the Iceland Basin. The typical characteristcs at around 20°W are Θ = 2.5°C and S = 34.98. The ...
Vema Gap
Earth science; Physical oceanography
A deep-sea channel that connects the Hatteras Abyssal Plain to the Nares Abyssal Plain in the North American Basin. This is an important passasge for northward traveling deep ...

- Geology (10953)
- Mapping science (105290)
- Oceanography (12332)
- Physical oceanography (42660)
- Remote sensing (8661)
- Seismology (14406)
- Soil science (29216)