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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A consortium of U.S. academic institutions for organizing the collective capabilities of the individual oceanographic institutions on research planning and management of the ocean ...

standard gravity

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A conventional value for the acceleration due to gravity, adopted for the sake of uniformity. The value adopted by the WMO is 980.665 cm/sec2.

standard density

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A conventional value for the density of mercury, adopted for the sake of uniformity in the conversion of pressure readings from units of pressure to units of height (or the ...

East Coast Ocean Forecast System (ECOFS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A cooperative program among NOS, NCEP, GFDL, and AOS to develop a system capable of producing useful nowcast and forecast information for the east coastal region of the United ...

Subarctic North Pacific Hydrographic Surveys (INPOC)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A cooperative program among Russia, the U.S. and Canada from 1991–1993 that addressed the variability of the circulation in the subpolar and northern subtropical gyres of the ...

Ridge Inter–Disciplinary Global Environments Initiative (RIDGE)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A coordinated program aimed at understanding the geology, physics, chemistry and biology of processes occurring along the global mid–ocean ridge system.

Greenland Sea Project (GSP)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A co–sponsored AOSB/ICES project aimed at observing and modeling the atmospheric, ice, oceanic and biological processes relevant to understanding the role of the Nordic Seas in ...