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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

Sunda Sea

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A marginal sea in the southwest Pacific Ocean. This is a name sometimes given to the combined areas of the Java Sea and the shelf sector of the South China Sea.

Iceland Sea

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A marginal sea located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is roughly defined as the waters lying to the west of Jan Mayen Ridge at about 7° W. It adjoins the waters of the Norwegian ...

Coral Sea

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A marginal sea located in the southwest Pacific centered at about 155° E and 14° S off of the northeast coast of Australia. It is also bordered by the Solomon Islands and Papua ...


Earth science; Physical oceanography

A European geostationary meteorological satellite operated by EUMETSAT.

Tracor Acoustic Profiling System (TAPS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A family of instruments developed by TRACOR to study the size and extent of populations of very small marine life by measuring the acoustic signals backscattered from them at ...

Baltic Air–Sea–Ice Study (BASIS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A field experiment of BALTEX. The objective of BASIS is to create and analyze an experimental data set for optimization and verification of coupled atmosphere– ice–ocean models. ...

GUlF of MEXico experiment (GUFMEX)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A field experiment taking place during February and March 1988 to gather data on two phenomena: air mass modification over the Loop Current, and return flow characteristics of ...