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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Contributors in Earth science

Earth science > Physical oceanography

Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale (OGS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A geophysical research institution located in Trieste, Italy. The OGS has a Department of Oceanology and Environmental Geophysics that performs research in physical ocenaography, ...

Karl Zoppritz

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A German fluid dynamicist who was a pioneer in applying modern fluid dynamical methods to questions of the large–scale oceanic circulation.

Happel, Eberhard (1647-1690)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A German writer of epics, romance and adventure who published a book entitled Groste Denkwurdigkeiten der Welt oder Sogenannte Relationes Curiosae in 1985 which contained the ...

Global Runoff Data Center

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A GEWEX project, abbreviated GRDC, to compile a global data base of stream flow data for the development and verification of atmospheric and hydrologic models. More information ...

Global Precipitation Climatology Project

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A GEWEX-affiliated project, abbreviated GPCP, designed to provide global data sets of area, time-averaged precipitation for a minimum period of 10 years (1986- 1995). This data ...


Earth science; Physical oceanography

A global database on coral reefs and their resources. This is available on CD-ROM from ICLARM. See the ReefBase Web site137.

Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

A global observing program planned jointly by ICSU, WMO, UNEP, and IOC of UNESCO. It was established to develop a dedicated observing system designed specifically to meet to ...