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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

mesopelagic zone

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of five vertical ecological zones into which the deep sea is sometimes divided. This is the uppermost aphotic zone from 200 to 1000 m deep where little light penetrates and ...

well mixed estuary

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of four principal types of estuaries as distinguished by prevailing flow conditions. In this type the water column is (as you might have guessed) well mixed with essentially ...

stratified estuary

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of four principal types of estuaries as distinguished by prevailing flow conditions. This type is stratified with a halocline between the upper and lower portions of the water ...

Ocean Chemistry Division (OCD)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of four scientific research divisions within NOAA’s AOML. Its work includes projects important in assessing the current and future affects of human activities on the coastal, ...

Siberian High

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of the centers of action that tend to control large scale weather patterns around the globe. This center forms over Siberia during the winter and is centered around Lake ...

Bjerknes, Jacob (1897-1975)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of the founders of modern meteorology, Bjerknes entered and revolutionized the field at the age of 20 with his discovery of the structure of extratropical cyclones. His father ...

Sunda Shelf

Earth science; Physical oceanography

One of the largest continental shelves in the world. It covers around 1,800,000 km2, is centered around 108° E and 2° N, and occupies the regions of the Java Sea, the southern ...