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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

Subantarctic Zone

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The name given to the region in the Southern Ocean between the Subantarctic Front to the south and the Subtropical Front to the north. This zone is characterized by the presence ...

Demerara Eddy

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The name given to what was once thought to be a semipermanent anticyclone north of the North Brazil Current (NBC) retroflection. Better temporal and spatial sampling has shown ...

Association of Physical Oceanography (APO)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The name of what is now known as the IAPSO from 1929 to 1948.

International Association for Physical Oceanographers (IAPO)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The name of what is now known as the IAPSO from 1948 to 1967.

Inshore Peru Current

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The name sometimes given to the combination of the Chile Coastal Current (CCC) and the Peru Coastal Current (PCC).


Earth science; Physical oceanography

The narrowest of the atmospheric layers, extending from the surface of the Earth to about 10 km at the Equator and 6 km at the poles near the 200 mbar level. This layer contains ...

Net Primary Productivity (NPP)

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The net annual uptake of carbon dioxide by vegetation. It is equal to the GPP minus autotrophic respiration. This is difficult to measure directly in terrestrial ecosystems, not ...