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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

Denmark Strait Overflow

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The flow through and over the 600 m sill depth in the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland. This is thought to be around 3.0 Sv of which 2.5 Sv is Arctic Intermediate ...

sensible heat flux

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The flux of heat between the ocean surface and atmosphere that results mainly from their difference in temperature. The heat exchange is accompished via molecular conduction in ...

poleward energy flux

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The flux process on Earth made inevitable by the fact that more heat is incipient on and absorbed at low than high latitudes and that the Earth is surrounded by a fluid envelope. ...

Coriolis force

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The force which, acting on a given mass, produces the Coriolis acceleration. It is a fictitious force introduced to facilitate the application of Newton’s second law of motion to ...

Project FAMOUS

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The French American Mid–Ocean Undersea Study began in 1971 as part of the IDOE. It was based on the general acceptance of the plate tectonic theory and investigated the ...

wave climate

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The general condition of sea state at a particular location, the principal elements of which are the wave height, period parameters, and the wave direction. The significant wave ...


Earth science; Physical oceanography

The ratio of new production (i.e. resulting from new nutrients coming into the system) to total production (i.e. new plus regenerated, i.e. production from nitrogen recycled ...