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Earth science

Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.

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Earth science > Physical oceanography

surf beat

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The rising and falling of the water level in the surf zone at intervals in the vicinity of 2 to 5 minutes, especially noticeable on a flat beach. This is caused by the pattern of ...


Earth science; Physical oceanography

The science dealing with the fields of evolution, ecology and the subsequent taphonomy of extinct animals and plants.


Earth science; Physical oceanography

The Scripps library contains a Cumulative Biography on the History of Oceanography, a Bibliography of Ocean Scientists, and a Handlist of Source Books on the History of ...

Indian monsoon

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The seasonal reversal of the wind direction along the shores of the Indian Ocean, especially in the Arabian Sea. The winds blow from the southwest during half of the year and from ...

mediolittoral zone

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The second (from the surface) of seven zones into which the benthos has been divided. In this zone organisms are more or less regularly emerged and submerged, usually by the ...

swamp ocean

Earth science; Physical oceanography

The simplest ocean model used in coupled model simulations. SSTs are computed but from surface energy balance (local effects) only, i.e. there is no accounting for heat storage ...


Earth science; Physical oceanography

The sloping portion of a beach profile that lies between a berm crest (or, in its absence, the upper limit of wave swash at high tide) and the low water mark of the backrush of ...